"International speaker, author and medium Sharon Anne Klingler offers three guided meditations in her new CD, Divine Connections…Her meditations are quite specific and detailed, yet allow the listener an important amount of freedom in the process, unique among such recordings…The background music, composed by her brother Kevin Klingler, is a perfect accompaniment."

—Creations Magazine; Mark Maxwell Abushady; New York City, New York

"All of us experience periods of intuition at some point in our lives, but many of us put these down to chance. Sharon Klingler, an expert on intuition, says that this intuitive voice speaks more often than we realize — the real trick is learning not to ignore it…Says Sharon, 'Humans are the only animals willing to trust another's opinion before their own instincts.' Sharon recommends learning to meditate to clear the mind…With a few minutes every day, you should find it easier to sense your intuition."

—The London Daily Express; John Trigs; London, England

"When Sharon A. Klingler needed help publishing her book, she called up an expert — even though he had been dead for several decades. Klingler, a medium, became acquainted with the spirit of publishing giant Bennett Cerf (1898-1971) through a client, a New York City health-care worker who cared for Cerf near the end of his life…Cerf, who founded Modern Library and Random House, was also a longtime panelist on the TV show, What's My Line?. Klingler asked the spirited fellow, 'Can you make some contacts for me and find me a publisher?'…

Six weeks later, when Klingler was in London to lead a workshop, a woman from Random House, UK said, 'I was looking through the program, and I was drawn to your name.' Klingler's book, Intuition & Beyond, was published by Random House in Great Britain."

—The Plain Dealer; Benjamin Gleisser; Cleveland, Ohio

"Why is it that some women can plunge head first into a problem and come out on top, while the rest of us thrash around indecisively for an answer we later regret? The fact is that some people are born with the enviable ability to tune into their inner expert and suss out instinctively the right path to take while the rest of us have to work harder to cultivate this trait. 'But it's easier than you might think,' says Sharon A. Klingler, author of Intuition & Beyond (Rider Books, Random House). 'You may think you don't know what this voice sounds like, but it's more a question of what it feels like…A thought will capture your attention, or a feeling will grab your gut and won't let go. Stay conscious of when you sense this feeling and notice what its trying to tell you.' That's what these five inspiring readers did. The result? A snap decision that has changed their lives for good."

—Eve Magazine; Alexandra Shakespeare; London, England